by David J Ham

Katie Price: “I Am The Resurrection"

The Pricey is always righty: She’s back and better than ever!
Katie Price: “I Am The Resurrection"

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“I believe I’m on your manor?..” is my opener as we meet in a side street studio in central Brighton. I figured you’re better to bowl in balls out than opt for wallflower mode with Katie Price. “F***ing right you are” she shoots back like Belle Starr

I’ve never met Katie before and you can’t help but be subconsciously influenced by fake news portraying her in various ways, some of which aren’t favourable. Today reveals she is clearly none of those things as she sits on a chair in front of me hugging her knees as if she’s just popped round her Mum’s for a cuppa. All perfect teeth, cheekbones and eyes ‘o’ fire constantly shooting light beams around the room that somehow evoke dreams, determination, strength and a smattering of hurt. Disneyfied almost. Staring right through you. If any eyes have said “COME ON THEN” more plainly than this pair then I haven’t seen them. This woman could lead an army into battle. She speaks, men go quiet and follow. 

LOADED’S BACK AND I LOVE IT!” Katie says. That’s pretty damn helpful to hear for a Loaded journo I must admit. She makes her disdain - and rightly so - for the generic media pretty clear, and who can blame her? If Liverpool fans still boycott the sun, I’d assume Katie Price fans haven’t bought a title of any single note for well over a decade.  

“I’m a nice person, it’s just the media,” she says. “Doing a shoot for Loaded I just feel free and in my element and I love it. Loaded represents a good time in my life. Loved it, enjoyed it, it was always an achievement when I was on the cover as there were so many girls who wanted to be on the cover. I always looked forward to it and then especially when the magazine came out, seeing me there, in the shops, my face on the cover! And now I’m back and so are you!

“I’m glad I modelled in the '90s without social media because there was no airbrushing, what you saw was the real thing. So many young girls now are having facial surgery and I worry for them ‘cos I think, “What are they going to look like when they’re 46?” Yeah I’ve had surgery, so maybe I’m a hypocrite but they’re so young! I think it’s going to destroy a lot of people, it’s dangerous, with social media. You can’t run away from it but I always say, I’m one of the real ones. My career was real.” 

Katie says the media created a character for her.

“When you’re young you’re like “yeah I’m getting pictured, I’m in the paper,” but little did I know that was THEM creating the character they wanted me to be,” she says. “I didn’t realise that the media circus affecting me then would influence me in the future. I had such a good relationship with the media and I don’t know when or why it turned. I think it was when I split with my first husband, they just went against me, and I just had to try and pick up the pieces from then.

“I got stitched up a lot, but I have no regrets from the Jordan days, they were the best days of my life. Jordan is me. I am Jordan. I’m just more nuts now and with more knowledge and experience. I’ve been ripped off but not any more. I’m in control. I’m doing it my way. I’m back and hungrier than ever. The reset button has been pressed.”

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The Pricey Is Always Righty: We Ask, She Gives Us The Only Correct Answer

What do you recall about your Loaded shoots from the '90s?

“My interviews with Loaded back then were always cheeky. You can’t say anything now without being told “you can’t say that”, and that’s not a way to live is it? Doing Loaded was a way of saying, “Yes guys, you can look at me and read about my fantasies, but you can’t touch me”. It was brilliant. Brilliant!”

Is there a favourite '90s story you like to tell?

“Good old China White on a Wednesday night. Ten Rooms on a Monday. Emporium, Attica, Red Cube, Titanic, Sugar Reef! I smile when I think of those days ‘cos I had no drama, it was just all so good.”

Go on…set the record straight! 

“I’m used to bad press. I’m used to being brought down. It affects me and my family. They might talk about mental health but they don’t care. I don’t understand it. They’ll never write something positive about anything that I do. When people meet me they say, “You’re so different to what I thought you’d be”. But Jordan’s back. On my terms.” 

Ever thought about lecturing?

“I’m training to be a Life Coach. I’m learning my triggers. I’m a caring person and I’d be good at it.”

You've been a tabloid target for years. How do you manage to hold on to the person that you are?

“I have struggled with mental health issues and real life traumas, but I haven’t let it take away…me. I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and they want to put me on medication but I don’t want to suppress me. I want to be me. I enjoy being me. The creative me. I just love being me. Creative. Different. That will never change.”

Mental health awareness has come a long way since the '90s. How has your understanding of mental health evolved over the years, and what have you learned about yourself in the process?

“I’ve got rid of so many friends, filtered out so many people I can’t trust. I’ve been used, abused, used for money, 'cos I’m too kind, too trusting so now; it’s not happening. I’ve learnt about boundaries, being assertive. When I bump into people from the past they seem stuck in that period still and when they ask me to go for a drink I say “No, I’ve got better things to do with my life”. I don’t need to get pissed. I feel powerful now.

“Life’s about healthy relationships. Get a good night’s sleep. It’s ok to say “no” to things. Make time for yourself.

Mental health is a real thing. Someone could look fine on the outside and the next day go and kill themselves. Just listen to people. You never know what is going on in their head. It’s only when I communicated how I really felt that it started to help me. Keeping it in for so long made me ill. You need to want to change and there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

What’s next for Katie Price? 

“I love doing The Katie Price Show, my podcast with my sister Sophie. I can speak the truth. It gives me a voice.

“I’ve also got my book out. It’s been six years, and a bad six years. It just goes to show, straight to Number 1 in the Times list. So that means SHE’S STILL GOT IT! The Price IS Right. I dunno why I never got offered that job. Alan Carr got it. Shoulda been me.

“All my dreams have come true. Big house. Cars. I’m now a pop star. I’m releasing an album 'cos social media allows me to. To the record labels who wouldn’t sign me back then…UP YOURS! I feel like I’ve started my career again but with the experience and knowledge I now have. I’m SO hungry and driven. I’m the original. Loaded’s giving people back the original!”

Quick Fire Round 

What’s the wildest rumour you’ve ever heard about yourself?

That I’ve had my rib cage removed.

If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why?

A fly. I’d f***ing spy on everyone.

Favourite '90s TV show?

Blind Date and You Bet.

If you could bring back one '90s trend for good, what would it be?

Leg warmers and low waisted jeans.

Who was your ultimate '90s crush?

Matt Damon and DiCaprio but they look old now, don’t they?

What’s the most '90s thing about you today?

I’m a hoarder so I’ve still got all my leg warmers and probably have a Body Shop lip liner somewhere.

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David J Ham

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David's motto is "your sins are the most interesting thing about you". He is a creative business development specialist by trade and a passionate writer for LOADED, having been an avid reader first time around. Co-Founder of music review site and an ex Director at Clash Magazine during its pomp. He is also a professional juke box botherer and can often be found lurking around Sohoinns questioning people intently about Public Enemy and Ocean Colour Scene.