Loaded has always been the people’s champion, the voice of the modern man on the street. So, we went to find out who that man actually is and to double-check he’s not a complete twat. We also want to make sure he’s alright too, because it’s a fucking wild world out there these days and if we don’t ask “You alright?”, no one will. And who doesn’t love a dog?

How you doing, mate?
I'm alright, thanks, not too bad. What do you want? You're from Loaded? Fucking hell, you're up early!
Steady on. Tell us about yourself, but keep it brief, your dog's shitting....
I'm Chris Lovett. I'm a minimalism and leadership expert, executive coach and TED speaker, and author.
You're dying to tell us the name of your book, aren't you?
Discovery of Less -- I'd recommend you buy it on Amazon, but it looks like you're beyond my help.
And what about the dog...
This is Daisy. She's a black lab and Weimaraner cross that I rescued a few years ago. The rescue dog community likes to proactively tell strangers that we rescued a dog even though you didn't ask. She's the fucking best....despite the turds.
Give us your best pub chat about football...
Chelsea -- they're playing as well now as Chelsea played in the 90s before any Russian money. Inconsistent, but with a lot of potential and a few highlights throughout the season.
Give us the best life advice you've ever heard...
Mr Miyagi: It's okay to lose to your opponent. Must not lose to fear!
No wonder you're a life coach. OK, dead or alive, with whom would you most like to get drunk?
Michael Jackson, for sure. He'd be a great drunk, imagine the stories he's got, he'd be shit hot at karaoke and he'd let you stay over.
Boo! Name a person who really rumbles with your goat...
The pro in me wants to say "Anyone who lets other people have the power to piss them off." But I think Andrew Tate -- he seems like a good person to dislike. I bet he doesn't pick up his dog's shit.
You're not perfect. What are your top three vices...
Extra sweet and sour chicken balls from Mr Wong's Wok and Box, Football Manager and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
What was the last thing you bought on Amazon that you'd recommend to Loaded?
Blimey, this is deep. Command Strips. I am shite at DIY and I'd rather use Velcro than smash a hole in my wall in the wrong place. Damage free hanging. My favourite type of hanging.
What was the last thing you bought but didn't need?
Command Strips. Haven't hung anything up in years.
What's something about the state of the world that drives you fucking nuts...
Inputting my email address and password on my TV using a four-arrow pad on the remote control. It drives me up the wall.
We feel you on that one. What terrifies you about the future?
Extreme weather becoming a more regular occurrence, and therefore, normal, because of climate change. It will impact everything. I think about that a lot. And TikTok, but don't get me started on that.
What's the best thing you'll do today?
Help my clients reach some life-changing eureka moments. It's cringe, but it happens.
Last question, as you clearly have somewhere better to be. Would you lend us a tenner?