by Milla Magee

Every Day Should Be Mental Health Day!

With World Mental Health Day just behind us, it’s a sharp reminder:...
Every Day Should Be Mental Health Day!

Every single day, we should be about taking care of what’s going on inside our heads. 

The United Nations and other global organisations have been working overtime to get the message out—mental health is just as important as physical health, and it matters to all of us, regardless of gender, age or race. Guys, girls, everyone in between—none of us are immune to feeling down, anxious, or just plain off. And instead of letting it push us apart, it should be what brings us together.

The truth is, mental health doesn’t care about who you are. Athlete? Business mogul? Stay-at-home parent? Student? Everyone’s in the same boat here. What’s refreshing, though, is the shift we’ve seen over the last few years—a lot more people are talking about it. Check out our report on the “manopause” for example. Along with guys like Dr Khan, Loaded aims to turn the tables. We’re creating a space where men can finally talk about their mental health without feeling like they’re breaking some unwritten rule. The old “man up” mentality? It’s dying, and good riddance. Men are starting to feel like they don’t have to keep it bottled up anymore. And that’s literally saving lives.

On a personal level, my whole body awareness advocacy didn’t come from nowhere. I’ve been there. There were times I felt like I didn’t belong or that I didn’t tick all the boxes of what society said I should be. We’ve all been hit with pressure to look a certain way, act a certain way, or fit this ridiculous mould that society has told us to fit into. It messes with your head. But let me tell you—once you realise that you’re enough, just as you are, the game changes. We all belong. And that sense of belonging is tied so deeply to our mental health. Feeling like you’re part of something bigger, feeling accepted—it’s not just nice to have; it’s vital.

Here’s the deal: there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to mental health. For some, therapy or medication is a game changer. For others, it’s the little things that do the heavy lifting. Personally, nature and exercise have always been my go-to. There’s something primal about getting outdoors and moving your body that just works. Whether I’m surfing or just strolling down the beach, it’s my way of keeping my head clear.

I’m a big advocate for cold water exposure - I know, it’s become quite the trend right? But rightly so! And the science backs it up—exercising and exposing our bodies to extreme temperatures, in monitored environments, boosts endorphins and adrenaline, both of which give you a natural high. But beyond the chemicals, it’s the disconnect from the noise, from the digital world, that really hits reset. Whether it’s the ocean or the mountains, nature has this way of grounding you like nothing else.

So, what’s my advice? Step away from your phone, log off, and get outside. Social media’s constant feed of perfection and comparison is poison to your mental health. Instead, find your escape in the real world. Take a walk, run, swim, whatever gets your blood pumping. It doesn’t take long to feel the shift.

We need to stop treating mental health like it’s a special topic for certain days on the calendar. It’s every day. Make the time for it, for yourself, and for the people around you. We’ve got to keep the conversation going, not just once a year, but all the time. Because mental health isn’t just a trend. It’s life.

Follow Milla on socials:

Instagram: Milla.magee__

TikTok: Milla.magee 

Peace and love xx

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Milla Magee

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Milla Magee, Miss England 2024 and Cornwall surfer, is Loaded’s fiery columnist and founder of #GOFARWITHCPR, pushing for CPR in schools. With bold moves and fierce advocacy, she’s sparking real change.