Unless you live in the hills in Thailand with a fucking monkey in your living room, chances are you popped a few pills back in the day then settled for CBD to cure that nagging knee after you got married. And we all know CBD doesn’t work as well as hallucinations.
I wish I’d got on a plane at this point, and I still might, but I at least got to meet the closest thing to The Nutty Professor over a Zoom. Garnet Dupuis lives in Chiang Mai, in the middle of the rainforest, with a monkey and an absolutely insane brain for company. He thrived in the 60s, caning the party drugs and becoming fascinated with the extraordinary potential of the human mind. Fast forward to 2024 and Garnet has invented the NeuroVizr, quite possibly the most fascinating piece of kit to emerge from planet earth since the air gun that grazed Trump’s ear.
“I've always had a magnetic attraction for the sacred, the divine, the special feeling,” says Garnet. You’ve gotta see this dude face to face to appreciate the impact he has on you. It’s just instantaneously obvious he’s a genius.
“I entered university at the peak of fabulous, the end of the 60s,” he says. “Everything you hear about that era is true. Most of the time we were liberally exploring either weed or psychedelics.
“I may have been high, I don't really remember. But there were light shows where there'd be somebody with an overhead projector and they’d have oil and food colours and then somebody hit a strobe light. I was profoundly impacted by the fantastic, wondrous quality of it. I'd never before experienced anything that created such a significant and almost instantaneous impact and shift in consciousness.
“Personal technology didn’t exist. The first personal bit of technology was the transistor radio. And then came the cassette tape player. And then we had these early mind machines. I began exploring this to the best of my ability in the 80s, although I’d started in the late 60s, early 70s with all sorts of early strobelights and black lights. I had a scary reputation for showing up with a suitcase full of things. I found out that I also had an innate skill set in terms of design principles and methodologies.”
Garnet channelled his penchant for psychedelics into something that’s a safe tool for everyone to access this part of the brain: the NeuroVizr.
“There was no single one point when the Nuero Vizr began, it's kind of always been evolving,” he says. “I don't do psychedelics anymore, but I had a very rich psychedelic history and now I'm trying to do it in other ways. The thing that brought me back into focus was the radical medical news of adult neuroplasticity, that not only is it possible to create changes in a person's mind, but it's also possible to actually shape the adult brain in a positive way.
“My early experiences with psychedelics were all positive. I gained first hand experience that there was a whole lot more going on in consciousness than I was aware of at an early age. It is my firm conviction, belief and observation that the brain itself is psychedelic. The brain has an innate capacity to make changes in consciousness states.
“The psychedelic compound does not make the psychedelic experience. The psychedelic compound triggers the brain to make the psychedelic experience.”
Right, so the brain is the engine and the drug is just the foot on the accelerator?
“Yes,” says Garnet. “The brain has both ordinary and extraordinary functions. A psychoactive agent is what triggers the brain to function in the extraordinary sphere: psycho meaning your mind, and agent meaning some kind of stimulus or action that activates these dynamic qualities in your mind or your brain.
“All psychedelic compounds are psychoactive agents, but not all psychoactive agents are psychedelic compounds. There are lots of psychoactive agents. Some of them are fast acting, some of them are slow acting. Some of them have side effects. Some of them don't. Some of them are physical compounds, some of them are methodologies. One of the most powerful innate psychedelic experiences is what we call humour, when it's really funny, when you're laughing your ass off. That is an extraordinary state. It is a mind manifesting, short-term, high energy, extraordinary state of mind.
“What's special about the neurovisor is that it can interact with extremely special aspects of your brain. You know, LSD would not be so special if it weren't for the fact that our brain was compatible and capable.”
A standard NeuroVizr “journey” lasts 11 minutes and there are 22 journeys to choose from.
“The app is kind of like a toolbox,” says Garner. “You open it up and there are different sections, and within the section, there are different tools. We have one section called the “Brain Gym” that helps build better brain function. Another is called “Mind States”. This allows you to pick and choose things that create probability states. They help you learn to relax. They help you learn to focus. They help you learn to open your mind and be unbiased to creativity. There’s also “Better Sleep” and there’s “Microdosing”.
Garner explains that the act of microdosing is a unique form of brain priming and we don't need psychedelic compounds (or what we may refer to as “drugs”) to microdose.
“There’s a very clear rationale of using incremental low level psychoactive agents to shape the brain function, and we call it microdosing,” he says. “You can also stack. If somebody wants to stack a little bit of mushroom or something with the NeuroVizr, that's fine. When people microdose, it's usually because they want to change or improve something, or to stop doing something stupid. Maybe they don't want to smoke cigarettes, or they want to improve focus because they're like a ping pong ball. You go into the NeuroVizr app, then you can choose one of the four classic microdosing protocols.”
A NeuroVizr session creates a short-term shift of the mind, as well as a long-term shaping of the brain.
“The brain is physical, it's as physical as your hamstrings or your heart, and just about everything you know about exercise also applies to the organ of your brain,” says Garner. “So, if you do a little bit of something every day, guess what? Your body is going to change. Either your hamstring is getting longer, or your heart is getting healthier. The brain is physical too.”
Intrigued? Garner recommends these 3 journeys to get you started
In the sleep collection, there are two kinds of sessions, those that train you to sleep, and then those that induce sleep, a little bit like a sleeping pill. One of the main reasons people don't sleep well is because they build up too much stress. They build up stress all day. They never dissipate stress. They hit the pillow at 150 kilometres an hour, and they wonder why they can't fall asleep. Sleep Angel is an example of a session that helps you learn to sleep, to dissipate the shit that's building up during the day so that your evening is more of a glide.
All micro dosing journeys are habit modifiers or habit breakers. Dependency tackles the stuff that you want to do, but you don't want to do. The shit you want to stop, but you can't stop.
Mandala Mind is kind of like going up to the dessert counter in the restaurant and saying, “Wow, I think I'll take the caramelised cheesecake.” It’s this idea of the mind being gorgeously complex, almost like a bud that blossoms into a preposterously beautiful flower. The mandala of your mind, the blossoming flower of your mind.
Notes from the Loaded CEO: A NeuroVizr Guinea Pig
“As someone who values productivity and cognitive enhancement, my experience with NeuroVizr has been truly transformative,” he says. “I was introduced to the device during a particularly hectic period at work, looking for a non-medicinal way to manage my focus and mental clarity.
“A short daily session makes me feel instantly better, more focused, and ready to tackle complex tasks.
“NeuroVizr has not only boosted my cognitive abilities but also enriched my mental wellness, integrating cutting-edge technology with psychological insights in a holistic health tool.”
You can download the NeuroVizr app for free. Vizr required to experience the journeys.