by Riccardo Rigamonti


The Rise of the Cool Cat Dad


Forget the days when cat ownership was a one-way ticket to being labelled ‘weird’ or ‘lonely’.  It’s 2025, and cat dads are officially the sexiest specimens ever. TikTok data shows that hashtags like #GuysWithCats have exploded over the past 120 days. The verdict? Men with cats are no longer the underdogs.

We’re diving into the world of modern cat dads, breaking down how they’ve shed the ‘crazy cat guy’ stereotype and become the ultimate catch. Plus, we’ve got top tips from a top vet for first time cat owners and the lowdown from a self-confessed cat dad who’s living his best feline-friendly life.

The Rise of the Cool Cat Dad

For years, the ‘crazy cat lady’ trope has dominated pop culture, but one man is proving that feline fandom isn’t just for women. Meet James White, a proud cat dad who’s challenging outdated stereotypes and showing that owning cats is, undeniably, cool.

When he was single, his cats (Tony and Denise) were more than just furry companions - they were the ultimate icebreaker. “I put them on my dating apps as a bit of clickbait,” he admits. “People feel very passionately about the whole cats vs. dogs debate, so it was an easy way to start a conversation.” Now in a relationship, he’s found a fellow animal lover in his partner - though she occasionally teases him about how much attention his cats receive. 

But it’s not just dating where his feline friends make an impact. His social life has flourished thanks to them. “I’m pretty sure 90% of the time, my mates come over to see my cats rather than me,” he jokes. With Tony’s larger-than-life presence (both figuratively and literally), he’s become somewhat of a local celebrity. “He’s a tad overweight at the moment, so he’s like a tourist attraction in himself.”

As for the great cats vs. dogs debate, he doesn’t believe one is superior to the other. “They offer different types of companionship. Cats are definitely easier to balance with a social life - you can nip out without guilt. Though I’d love to take mine out with me without getting strange looks.”

Stereotypes? He doesn’t give them much thought. “As long as no one trashes Tony and Denise, I’m good!” And judging by his growing social media following, it seems the world agrees - cool cat dads are officially in. 


If you’re considering adopting some feline pulling power, Pro vet James Ede, founder of Millie’s Vets, is on hand to make sure you keep your new cat alive and well. 

  1. Microchip Your Cat: Since June 2024, it’s been a legal requirement to microchip cats by 20 weeks old. No matter how far from home a cat is found, or how long they have been missing, having your cat microchipped gives them the best chance of being returned home safely to you. Whether they’re indoor escape artists or outdoor adventurers, it’s a must.

  2. Feed Them Right: Cats need taurine in their diet, a lack of taurine can lead to certain health issues, including heart problems. Stick to high-quality commercial cat food that meets their nutritional needs. They’ll thank you for it. 

  3. Prioritise Pet Insurance: One in three pets requires medical treatment each year, and cats are no exception. That’s why pet insurance is a no-brainer - it can save you a fortune if your cat gets into trouble. Unlike humans, pets don’t have the NHS, so having a solid insurance plan ensures they receive the best possible care when they need it. Napo Pet Insurance is one such company, who are able to offer super comprehensive cover for any cat; protecting against everything from accidents to old age and illness. 

  4. Pay Attention to Their Behaviour: Cats are masters at hiding illness, so even subtle changes - like frequent trips to the litter tray - could indicate a serious issue. Don’t hesitate to call your vet. Look for an insurance provider that includes 24-hour telephone support and will connect you with a professional whenever your kitty shows any abnormal signs. 


Cats are cool, and so are their dads. Whether you’re single, taken, or somewhere in-between, embracing your feline friends is a guaranteed way to level up your life. So, to all the potential cat dads out there - shake off the stereotypes, share those cute snaps, and join the cat revolution. Just make sure you give them the love, attention, and care they deserve!

Because in 2025, real men love cats - and they’re proud of it.